advanced jetlag from hell

While I had planned to write alot when I got back home, real life struck swift and hard, and tossed me – head first – into the thing that’s called working, meaning that I did’t really have the time to catch up what I intended to write up about a few days ago. It’ll probably take some time before I get all of it covered. For now, I’ll pick the last one, and “compare” Edinburgh and London, which we visited.

Edinburgh vs. London:
The city of Edinburgh is.. well, great, and I can recommend everyone to visit it. There’s lots to see, alot of history to be learned, and fun stuff if the cultural part gets too boring at times. If that’s not enough, there’s tons of castles shattered about in the nearby areas, fabolous views, good beer (important!).. and bag pipes! Traveling around is generally pretty great. It costs £2,5 for a day-ticket in the city, and £9 – I think – for a 24 hours pass with the tour-bus (if you’re a student). The latter is highly recommendable, as there’s quite some stories to be had, and gives a good overview of the city, and what to take a better look at. A good place to visit is the Camera Obscura, which has optical illusions, and other interresting things.

London… well, besides the fact that it’s double the price to get a day-ticket to the subway (which worked great, unlike what some think), it’s generally just a very different way to enjoy a vacation. Unlike Edinburgh, you can’t just wander about mindlessly and stumble upon something exciting. Or well, you can, if you got alot of money (ugh, Oxford Street), but that’s not the point. One thing I will recommend though, is going to one of the Jazz-clubs and seeing some live music while having a good dinner (Pizzaexpress is where we went). Also, if you decide to go sightseeing, take the “Jack the Ripper”-walk with The Original Tour. Very interresting, and gets you to places you wouldn’t normally go. It’ll make me see “From Hell” very soon, that’s for sure.

Overall however, my heart lies with Edinburgh, which I’ll surely visit again, and hopefully see some of the amazing scottish highlands… perhaps Loch Ness too (and a certain monster, should he reveal himself).

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