The first time people started noticing, was when the second Harry Potter-movie was released, and every new release there-after. I was, at that time, working in a supermarket, whereas a result, I met rather many people every day, and it was probably – without exaggerating it – pointed out to me every day I was there, that I looked like Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe, that is). Admitted, we do share some similarities.
So, why do I write about this now? I do, because it just happened again, while going to the supermarked, extremely hungover and, in my own opinion, not looking too good. It’s not often it happens anymore, mostly because the hype has flattened out, as the latest movie was quite a while ago. Alas, the next movie – The Half-Blood Prince – is seemingly coming out later this year, and people will – once again – spot the likeness.
I’d like to point out one thing though. I was first. I am older than you, Daniel Radcliffe. You’re the one looking like me. In your face!