gnu’s trip to mexico: part 2

First things first: While it may be a given, I’ve come to loathe mosquitoes even more these last days. It would seem that in the night between Tuesday and Wednesday, a few of them had quite a feast, as I was bombarded with bites … mostly on my feet. That’s rather weird as I really can’t imagine what would be so extremely tasty about them (then again, insects in general have rather strange taste in things). Nevertheless, the end result of that after trotting around for a whole day with mosquito-bites all over my feet, I was quite convinced that there should be NO mosquitoes alive in our room that evening – to great fun at my expense for Charlotte, who couldn’t quite take my killer-face seriously. Can’t really blame her, it’s hard to be serious about stalking around a small room looking for mosquitoes to kill.

… but even with my great hunting-skills, one got away, and I have an idea why (sorry in advance non-wow-players, but don’t worry, the point is easy to get by reading the descriptions): the mosquito in question was a rogue (sneaky thief-class). I had quite a few good attempts at killing the blasted insect, but either it evaded my hits, or vanished in thin air. Revenge is sweet though, as I got my revenge his morning, and got the bastard the first time I spotted it. Seems like it wasn’t Vanish, but rather Shadowmeld.

Anyway, nothing really exciting has been going on down here the last few days, as my better half has been extremely busy with study-related stuffs during daytime, which caused me to stay at “home” monday – thursday (except wednesday, as my mosquito-bite-covered feet clearly remembers) during the day. We still got to experience stuff during the evening however!

Cinépolis VIP (Monday – October 5th):
Seemingly a popular trend down here (and understandably so), it’s basically the way to watch movies. First of all, you sit in a nice armchair (adjustable, with leg-support), and there are waiters who can take orders of beer, small meals, hot beverages and likewise stuff. Also, the armchairs are in pairs of two, so you could turn them into a nice sofa, and sit in that with your partner. Also a nice bonus. So, all in all, it was a very enjoyable way of seeing Surrogates. So, if you’re ever down here, try it out.

Lucha Libre (Tueday – October 6th):
Being a fan (read, I love seeing it whenever I get the chance) of WWE and WCW, I found this a must to see. It would seem that every tuesday, there’s a few hours of mexican wrestling in downtown Guadalajara. To put it bluntly, it was far from as professional as WWE, but that was somehow to be expected as well. Never the less, it ended up quite decently towards the end when the big names (seemingly, I have no idea who and what they were – probably mostly because of the spanish language-barrier), as they could indeed do some funky tricks. Some got disqualified and a few got carried out after some pretty serious stunts (not as violent as a proper faceslide though). The most notable thing however, was the whole crowd-atmosphere that was going on. People were yelling all kinds of really harsh things to each other at random – and I won’t go into what exactly they said, first of all because of the mentioned language-barrier, but also because most of the stuff was something that would result in getting into serious trouble if you yelled it in a pub, or the like. Beer was a once again a given, naturally. Visit Arena Coliseo (where it probably is every time).

The last week of my time in Mexico will most likely be much more interesting however, and grant opportunities to take pictures (cameras wasn’t allowed tuesday), as we’re going to Oaxaca saturday to wednesday, to see ruins, mountains, and all kinds of stuff which isn’t behind walls, in the middle of a city, or such. Safe to say, I’m really looking forward to it! I’ll however probably do a post before taking off, as there should still be some stuff happening friday worth telling about. I hope.

1 Comment

  1. No time to do a followup-post, but will without doubt do (yet another) retro-active one, as yesterday did bring something to write about.

    Stay tuned around wednesday/thursday!


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