To keep things a bit more ordered, I recently got passively persuaded into using – and integrating – Disqus to the blog, by my good friend Julian. It pretty much started when I wanted to comment on one of his blog entries. As seen in the comments in the previous blog entry, the comment-system was/is being tested out to some extent, but atleast seems much better than the internal one previously existing. Allow me as well to shake my fist at you, Julian, for dragging me even deeper into signing up for strange – yet addictive and useful – webservices. Some day, I’ll repay the service.
Long story short; Disqus is now integrated within the comments to my blog, and I added a link to the Disqus-system at the link-list.
I just managed to self-own myself today by changing Template, but forgetting to re-integrate Disqus in it. When I finally tried to do so, it got even more messed up, and I got it – after a tough fight – reverted, by starting all over from the good old basic template.
Good thing I wrote down what colors and fonts I used, otherwise this would never been as “pretty” (that term is selfdefined here) again. In truth, the name “disqus collapse” couldn't possible have been better chosen.