
As dull as it may seem to write (or just talk, in general) about the weather, it does have its wondrous moments.

Earlier today the sun was shining, as it has been for the past few days, confirming that spring is indeed slowly creeping back from its sleep. And then, as paradoxical as it may seem, it starts snowing. Not just simple rain, as it has been some days ago, but real snow. On top of that, it wasn’t even subtle. It was enough to actually make my coat look like some Twoface/Snowman-hybrid.

Never the less, I havn’t lost hope that the spring will arrive for good. It havn’t failed the last 23 years, as far as my knowledge goes (unlike the summer, but that’s another story).


  1. jeg har kun 1 ting at sige:
    sol + varme + kasse med øl + strand/græsplæne + gode venner = best day ever!


  2. Indeed!

    With this lovely spring-weather finally coming over us, stuff like that becomes increasingly popular ;) I must admit however, that it’s still a slight bit too chilly for t-shirts and all-out beer-drinkage… unless it’s beer croquet!


  3. Indeed!

    With this lovely spring-weather finally coming over us, stuff like that becomes increasingly popular ;) I must admit however, that it's still a slight bit too chilly for t-shirts and all-out beer-drinkage… unless it's beer croquet!


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